Flash Fiction #2 – A bit post-apocalyptic

A reminder that these stories are from timed prompts, so some end abruptly. I’ll consider writing more for some if I get requests. Also note that this was written in February, before 2020 fully hit.

Where Lincoln Logs come from.

Boxes lined the walls. They turned the center of the room into a maze of alleyways. Graceful Exit had become the safe place in town,

for miles around,


The one place where important things could be kept.

Safe for all? Fairly so. The rooms were occupied by families of refugees. Those who had escaped the camps. The elves and dwarves had set in to organize everything. Putting in place some order.

Graceful Exit’s former residents had left long ago. Whisked away to new and safe spaces for their final days. Now it was peopled by the other races, including a wing of speaking animals with whom Bard enjoyed sitting and exchanging stories.

Henry had taken on the task of the room. The boxes contained their history, their records, and artifacts. He set about building a plan to catalogue the Fall. The task would be huge.

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